Any advice for natural hormone therapy?

Question by alexs mom on "Natural Therapy":

I have to get tested to make sure, but I think I suffer from an estrogen dominance problem. My biggest complaints are weight gain, hot flashes in the face and neck, heavy periods and breast tenderness. Does anyone have any experience with this and using natural remedies to relieve this issue? Thanks! Just a follow up for more information... I am only 34 and have had routine blood tests which were all normal. Have some small fibroids but this does not explain all my symptoms. As far as I know...nothing else is going on because I have had many tests. No hormone tests though and this is sure to be my next route.

Best Answer:

Answer by Joseph
I really think you ought first of all to have some tests done before you ask for any advice. I am not sure if you have an estrogen problem or not but it looks more like you are somehow entering menopause? Is that possible? In any case only after you have done your tests can any remedy be given. By the way there are no natural hormones, all hormones are artificial.

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