Is mindfulness the core of a happy life?
Question by J9900 on "Mindfulness": Is mindfulness essential to lead a life of happiness, reason, love, joy, peace, enlightenment, success, power, and truth? Best Answer:
Answer by holacarinados
It can be but it requires a certain amount of self-interrogation. Cognitive psychologists have shown we really often don't understand what we think, so we may be leading a 'mindful life" but we our minds may be fooling us. The challenge is to see if what you consider mindful is just that, mindful. If you can feel pretty confdent about that, I think it could be essential, although some people just seem to 'naturally' lead one without thinking abou tis.
Happiness: Essential Mindfulness Practices
Encouraging readers to be intelligent and skillful in their practice, this new collection by Thich Nhat Hanh outlines the essential steps by which we can all obtain real and lasting happiness. Each day, we perform the tasks of everyday life without thought or awareness walking, sitting, working, eating, driving, and much more. But Hanh points out that if we remain truly aware of our actions, no matter the task we're performing, we can stay engaged in our lives and better our outlook through mindfulness. This key practice is the foundation for this accessible, easy-to-understand volume, and an invaluable tool for change for both seasoned Buddhist practitioners and lay readers interested in bettering their lives through full awareness.
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