I m opening an oriental furniture in upscale neighorhood; the store will offer weekly Feng Shui class.?

Question by pilotinsky on "Feng Shui":

The stroe is more like mix with Western/Oriental decor. We plan to offer Feng Shui class by local instructor. I just want to know what most people feel about "Feng Shui"? Are there any people or group against it in US like some religous? Thanks

Best Answer:

Answer by arianna
I think it's a great idea! I am interested in Feng Shui. I haven't heard of any particular religious groups that are against it. And I think if you are in a fairly sophisticated city or town, you will be very welcome. You need to do a survey of the people in your specific area because this question/answer forum goes out to a wider audience that is not representative of your store's potential clientele.

Share what you know as by leaving a comment here.Thanks

Chinese Feng Shui Hand-carved Jade Charm - Protection

  • Hand carved jade charm
  • Presented in a beautiful box which is 4" x 2" x 1"
Carry this luck charm with you always and you and your family can be protected from evil. negativity and harm, and you life can overflow with success and abundance. Bagwa Mirrors reflect Protection and abundance.

Price: $ 4.99


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