I m opening an oriental furniture in upscale neighorhood; the store will offer weekly Feng Shui class.?
Question by pilotinsky on "Feng Shui": The stroe is more like mix with Western/Oriental decor. We plan to offer Feng Shui class by local instructor. I just want to know what most people feel about "Feng Shui"? Are there any people or group against it in US like some religous? Thanks Best Answer:
Answer by arianna
I think it's a great idea! I am interested in Feng Shui. I haven't heard of any particular religious groups that are against it. And I think if you are in a fairly sophisticated city or town, you will be very welcome. You need to do a survey of the people in your specific area because this question/answer forum goes out to a wider audience that is not representative of your store's potential clientele.
Chinese Feng Shui Hand-carved Jade Charm - Protection
- Hand carved jade charm
- Presented in a beautiful box which is 4" x 2" x 1"
Price: $ 4.99
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