What type of higher education is needed to pursue a career in alternative medicine?

Question by Missy Miss on "Alternative Medicine":

I live in dallas tx and i just graduated high school. I want to pursue a career in alternative medicine such as herbology and such, but i don't know where to start. if anyone lives in dallas and knows a great way in which to begin my studies or just knows, your feedback is greatly appreciated. In college, what type of major would Alternative medicine fall under? is only universities or community colleges too, or is there a special alt. med. college. thanx everyone!

Best Answer:

Answer by Johnny
I doubt any higher education is required since it is not sanctioned profession. To be certified, I am sure classes, often offered around town, will give you a cert. Do a google search for your local. Study the field, as I am sure there are many con artists involved. I saw an episode of Bullshit with Penn and Teller on Showtime that made them all look like crooks. I have worked in medicine for years, and i would say do yourself a favor, spend a couple of years in college say in nursing school or some other medical profession, then branch out. It will all be easier and make more sense to you with a real education on the human body. I am not saying it is bogus, just that have a basis to grow from. A lot of nurses go into home alternative medicine especially with hospice and pain management. They usually do well. But the lady on the corner that waves her hands over you and charges a lot of money usually doesnt last.

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