What are some health complications linked to veganism?

Question by nina. on "Veganism":

I know veganism is very healthy, and I know many good aspects about it. What are some possible unhealthy things caused by veganism? I'd really like to know. Thanks!

Best Answer:

Answer by Matthew P
I haven't heard of many. I read that a few people experienced some thinning of the hair. And check out this question that popped up on here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ar4MLVshet8ExtXW_G8dsNV26xR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080521145953AAgCezv

Got A Better Answer? Leave your own answer in the comments

All American Vegan: Veganism for the Rest of Us

Full of delicious recipes, shopping, cooking, and baking tips, as well as philosophy, trivia, and humorous observations regarding the increasingly popular but frequently misunderstood vegan lifestyle, All American Vegan has something for everyone. Aspiring vegans will find practical down-to-earth advice about making the transition to a vegan diet as convenient and uncomplicated as possible.

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