Can paranoid psychoses be cure if the underlying reason in depression .Any natural therapy or medicine you req

Question by aquariangirlbeauty on "Natural Therapy":

Best Answer:

Answer by silverdragon6104
Hello, Depression cannot be the causal reason of paranoid psychosis. Depression is simply a mood disorder, while psychosis is something much larger. If you are having paranoid psychotic issues, please be sure that you are working with a therapist that knows what they are doing. If the symptoms are not endangering you or anyone else, then looking for a natural therapy or medicine would be fine. If the symptoms are severe, I would advise getting on medication and leveling out your symptoms first, then look for an alternative that you are more comfortable with. I have seen EMDR work well for many mental health issues, and may be an option for you. Speak with your therapist about it, Good luck, Robin

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