What is a good beginners yoga video to use?

Question by Maggz on "Yoga":

I've been exercising regularly for 3 years now but recently I hurt my hamstring and realize I need better stretching techniques. I have never been into YOGA but am thinking that it's time... What is a great beginners yoga video?

Best Answer:

Answer by aerosmithbaby05
Denise Austins' Fat Blasting Yoga. I do it 3-6 times a week and I love it! It's almost adicting! Plus you'll lose about 12 pounds in the first 3 weeks of doing it regularly.

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Power Yoga - Total Body Workout

  • Beginning poses and movements to build stamina
  • Intermediate poses for strength end and alignment
  • Overall centering practice for harmony
  • Rodney Yee is a well respected teacher in the world of yoga
Power Yoga:Total Body Workout with Rodney Yee

Build strength from within. Rodney Yee guides you through a challenging sequence that creates detoxifying heat in your body and helps you build your inner strength,stamina and endurance. Beginner/intermediate. DVD.

75 minutes.Power yoga "demands your attention," says instructor Rodney Yee. He leads a challenging, constantly progressing series of poses, one flowing into the next, integrating breath, movement, tension, and relaxation. The poses include Sun Salutation, standing poses, forward bends, back bends, twists, and arm balances. The first poses are fairly easy, and with each repetition of the series, Yee adds on more difficult movements, extending the series without pausing. You're encouraged to do as much of the series that fits your level, up to the entire 65-minute workout if you're an experienced yoga practitioner. Although you can begin at any level, some familiarity with yoga is recommended. The Hawaiian setting is gorgeous and inspiring. This is an excellent yoga workout that you can grow with, adding on more as you get stronger. --Joan Price

List Price: $ 14.98 Price: $ 6.66


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