What are the prerequisites for alternative medicine?

Question by Mikael Åkerfeldt on "Alternative Medicine":

I'm still in high school (in Australia) and I'm looking into alternative medicine now, would I have to go to uni or tafe? What kind of prerequisites would I have to have?

Best Answer:

Answer by Alec S
For a quality school of Naturopathy, like my alma mater, Bastyr U. in Seattle, WA, you need to complete all the pre-med requirements, just like you were working towards any other western medical schools.

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Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook, Updated and Expanded

The most complete resource of its kind on alternative medicine * Herbal remedies, dietary supplements, and alternative therapies Their specific uses Which ones really work (and which ones don't) What to watch out for * Christian versus non-Christian approaches to holistic health * Clinically proven treatments versus unproven or quack treatments * Truths and fallacies about supernatural healing * Ancient medical lore: the historical, cultural, and scientific facts * And much, much more Alternative Medicine is the first comprehensive guidebook to nontraditional medicine written from a distinctively Christian perspective. Keeping pace with the latest developments and research in alternative medicine, this thoroughly revised edition combines the most current information with an easy-to-use format. University lecturer and researcher Donal O'Mathuna, PhD, and national medical authority Walt Larimore, MD, provide detailed and balanced answers to your most pressing questions about alternative medicine---and to other questions you wouldn't have thought to ask. Also includes Two alphabetical reference sections: Alternative therapies Herbal remedies, vitamins, and dietary supplements A description of each therapy and remedy, an analysis of claims, results of actual studies, cautions, recommendations, and further resources Handy cross-references linking health problems with various alternative therapies and herbal remedies reviewed in the book

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