What is the issue on alternative medicine?
Answer by Gary Y
You can demonstrate that alternative medicine is not science or evidence based. It is based in anecdotes. You can demonstrate how anecdotes do not constitute valid evidence in science. If anything, anecdotes provide only a suggestion that something may be worthwhile investigating - or to form a hypothesis. The National Center of Complimentary and Alternative Medicines (NCCAM) have just spent 10 years and 2.5 billion dollars scientifically studying alternative medicines, only to find that virtually none of it works. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31190909 The reason alternative medicines are alternative is because they have not been proven to work, or they have been proven not to work. Side effects, risks, safety, interactions and contradictions are mostly not established. Perhaps you could focus on the psychology of why people believe - homeopathy for example, which is preposterous nonsense and does not beat placebo. Belief systems, indoctrination, dogma, cognitive dissonance, scaremongering, etc etc.
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