What are the different styles of meditation and how are they done?

Question by bionicinfidel on "Meditation":

For example, Zen meditation, or Mantra meditation. Which ones do you think are best? Do the different styles invoke different feelings or effects? I'm sorry for all the questions just curious. =)

Best Answer:

Answer by Duban
Some people like to have some ambient noise in the background but I never understood that. Personally I prefer just to find a dark room, close my eyes for a bit, and clear my mind of thoughts. It's a very good way of resting your mind for a minute or two after relentlessly working your brain for a few hours. If you need to concentrate on something your breathing is a common, effective, and soothing. It doesn't have to be anything special. It just has to give your mind a minute or two of rest so that you're back to full afterwards.

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