How does meditation and fasting bring one closer to their spiritual side?
Question by My name IS Denver :) on "Meditation": Of course spirituality is whatever each individual concieves it to be, no matter what their religion, but for those who practise fasting and meditation, exactly how does this enlighten them more spiritually? Best Answer:
This bestselling book presents a thorough, concise, step-by-step guide to the art andscience of meditation. Complete with photos and illustrations, How to Meditate is an aid tocalmness, increased vitality, clarity of mind, and ultimately, inner communion with God. Youlllearn about techniques for relaxing body and mind how to develop devotion and intuitionsecrets of the spinal centers chakras energy exercises and yoga philosophy from PatanjalisEightfold Path.John Jyotish Novak has been teaching meditation to students worldwide for 30 years, and iscurrently Spiritual Director of Ananda Sangha, the largest network of spiritual communities inthe world. Author of the popular 30 Day Essentials series, see pages 5 and 9.This bestselling book presents a thorough, concise, step-by-step guide to the art andscience of meditation. Complete with photos and illustrations, How to Meditate is an aid tocalmness, increased vitality, clarity of mind, and ultimately, inner communion with God. Youlllearn about techniques for relaxing body and mind how to develop devotion and intuitionsecrets of the spinal centers chakras energy exercises and yoga philosophy from PatanjalisEightfold Path.John Jyotish Novak has been teaching meditation to students worldwide for 30 years, and iscurrently Spiritual Director of Ananda Sangha, the largest network of spiritual communities inthe world. Author of the popular 30 Day Essentials series, see pages 5 and 9.
Answer by Applehunter
You become less attached to material things, including the realm of the mind - which is the source of suffering.
How To Meditate: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Art and Science of Meditation [ILLUSTRATED]
List Price: $ 5.00 Price:
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