Vegans/vegetarians do you wish there was a religion that made veganism/vegetarianism mandatory?
Question by Noa Bach on "Veganism": I feel strongly about veganism and I wish there was a religion that said you must be vegan or atleast vegetarian, it would be awesome and I would join it since I would have alot in common with the adherents. But most of the religions don't make veganism or vegetarianism mandatory. I've looked into Buddhism and I like it, but not sure I want to follow it yet. Best Answer:
Answer by mermaid
No, i am a vegan and accept that the majority of the world will always eat meat.You cant force your views on others that only makes them resent vegans more.We can only live by good example and offer advice and share our views on request. I t would be great if everyone stopped eating meat but that will never happen.There are over one billion vegetarians in the world and the number is growing, we must continue to set a good example but just as religion can never be forced on someone neither can veganism.
Being Vegan: Living With Conscience, Conviction, and Compassion
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