Would learning and practicing Buddhist teachings be a sin if you were a Christian?

Question by Haku Keiichi on "Buddhist":

I believe in Christianity, but most of my family and relatives believe in Buddhism. The Buddhist teachings is about achieving a clear and peaceful mind. I believe that is a good thing. Though, would practicing the Buddhist teachings be a sin? I still believe in the Christian philosophy, but will believing in the Buddhism philosophy be a sin?

Best Answer:

Answer by daljack -a girl
Buddhism isn't a rigid right or wrong practice like Christianity. You'd have to make decisions for yourself....unlike Christianity.

What do you think? Share your thought by leaving a comment here. Thanks

108 Black Wood Beads Tibet Buddhist Prayer Mala Necklace

  • Bead size: 5mm
  • approx: 10.5 inches long
  • The beads are shiny because a protective layer is glazed over each bead.
This style of bracelet is called a bodhi mala and sometimes called yoga beads. They are worn and used by Buddhists and monks. Malas are strings of beads that are used to count the mantras which are recited. A mantra is a word or series of words chanted to invoke spiritual qualities. Often Buddhist will recite thousands of mantras at a time. The mala helps not only with counting mantras but also to focus one concentration and awareness. When using the mala you use your fingers, reciting the mantra and visualize the deity. Doing this you are involving the whole body, speech and mind. Even if you are not Buddhist these bracelets can be worn and are still thought to bring the wearer good luck and energy.

Price: $ 1.85


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