Is their a free pdf book somewhere online about how to live the Dharma in western society?

Question by piscesisblue25 on "Dharma":

Perhaps something that is easy to read and explains Buddhism but more-so tells you how to put Buddhist teachings into practice here in the western world.

Best Answer:

Answer by Cindy
You can look on Scribd There are tens of thousands of PDF books there on everything you could think of, including Buddhism. Oh yeah, its free to download

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Common or Garden Dharma. Essays in Contemporary Buddhism, Vol. I

A number of shorter works that I have written over the years for which I never signed off the electronic rights - mostly because they didn't exist then! Some started out as academic articles and have been rewritten to appeal to a broader audience. Others were written in a popular style, but were tucked away in newsletters that were not archived or on defunct web sites.A number of shorter works that I have written over the years for which I never signed off the electronic rights - mostly because they didn't exist then! Some started out as academic articles and have been rewritten to appeal to a broader audience. Others were written in a popular style, but were tucked away in newsletters that were not archived or on defunct web sites.

List Price: $ 2.99 Price:


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