What are the exact benefits of doing meditation?

Question by jBl on "Meditation":

I'm 20 and in college. My concentration power is poor for which I am struggling in my studies. So I really want to improve my concentration. Secondly I really want to go and talk with a girl who is one year my junior in my college but is lacking the courage to do so at present. Can these problems be solved my meditation?

Best Answer:

Answer by ndelrosario001
The effectiveness of meditation comes from the fact that one can achieve a state of deep relaxation in just a few minutes. When we settle down into a state of deep relaxation, the body and mind are refreshed and revitalized. This gives us many good effects that are both immediate and long lasting.Health Benefits of Regular Meditation Include: •Lower Blood Pressure •Better Sleep •Anti-aging •Less Anxiety •Faster healing •Decreased substance abuse •Lower Cholesterol •Stronger Immune Response

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