Is Liver cancer/serious disorder completely cure with juice therapy or some other natural therapys?

Question by Kannan on "Natural Therapy":

Best Answer:

Answer by always b natural
Anything is possible, but it is not likely. There are always reports of spontaneous cancer remissions, but they are very rare

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CocoTherapy Pet Organic Virgin Coconut Oil 8 oz

  • CocoTherapyTM virgin coconut oil is 100% pure and natural
  • Simply place a tsp or so in the cupped palm of your hand and let the warmth of your hand melt the oil
  • Then let your pet lick the oil directly from your hand!
  • Our pooches and kitties love it, and what a wonderful way to bond!
  • Then rub any remaining oil on your own skin, and begin enjoying the benefits of soft, silky, skin!
As with all new supplements, start with small amounts, such as 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon per day for small dogs, puppies, cats and kittens and 1 teaspoon for large dogs. Gradually increase the amount every few days

Price: $ 12.68


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