Is there an alternative medicine for Malabsorption?
Question by Kevin on "Alternative Medicine": I have been suffering from malabsorption for a couple of years. I am not gaining any weight even though i increased my diet intake, although I have not lost any weight. I have severe case of flatulence and farts smell bad. My stool also smells bad. Does any Yoga or Bikram Yoga or Any alternative medicine cure or help this? Best Answer:
Answer by b_bardi99
yes, i had a dog with this problem. I went to the health food store:I bought digestive enzymes for him:the enzymes had to be taken with the first mouthful/first bite of dog gained weight, diarrhoea stopped. he lived 11 years. You can also buy pancreatin at the health store:it is an extract from the cows or pigs pancreas. it works wonderful!
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