What will yoga and pilates do in my situation?
Question by Tabbitatt on "Yoga": I am getting a lil pudgy now, I have cellulite and my stomach has that lil ponch going on and I wanted to be toned for this summer. I am not overweight or anything its just i I have eccess fat from the birth control i was put on and i want it tightened and toned. If I did yoga/pilates will this do the trick? I dont want to loose tonnes of weight because my upper half is skinny and i dont want to loose my cup size. Also how many times a week and for how long should I Do yoga? Best Answer:
Answer by XangoHillary
I would do it 2 to 3 times a week. Also in gage in some cardio too. I use the treadmill 4-5 times a week for a half an hour. And its really working out good. By summer time you will have the body you desire.
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