Can we draw a comparison between The Common Negative View towards Veganism and even Vegetarianism with?

Question by Dairy's Scary on "Veganism":

the Negate views towards the legalization of Marijuana and Hemp? Typically, the ones that oppose one or the other have never tried it and are usually the least knowledgable about it. What do you think? Are they similar?

Best Answer:

Answer by G C
No. People who oppose decriminalisation of drugs do so because the legalisation of drugs increases the harm they cause due to the increase in usage. People who oppose reducing the amount of meat consumed in our societies either stand to lose money or are unwilling to give up their own lifestyle for the benefit of others. There is no comparison.

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The Real Forbidden Fruit: How Meat Destroys Paradise And How Veganism Can Get It Back

It's not news that eating meat is unhealthy, destructive to the environment, and cruel to animals, but what is new is Jeff Popick's new book, The REAL Forbidden Fruit, which offers compelling evidence that meat was the real "forbidden fruit." Using spirituality, physiology, sociology, environmentalism, and logic, The REAL Forbidden Fruit demonstrates how meat eating is destroying our health, our planet, our societies, and even our connection to God. But there is hope. Popick shows in a comprehensive, clear, and entertaining style how veganism overcomes all of society's problems in one fell swoop, and can put us back on the path to the paradise our world once was.

List Price: $ 29.95 Price: $ 29.95


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