What is the best natural/holistic clinic in the country?

Question by Dear Prudence on "Holistic":

I am really frustrated with some ongoing symptoms (primarly GYN, GI, and joint related) that my medical doctor's have not resolved. They each focus on individual symptoms and none of them can put together the entire caseload to determine how the problems are related and what the real root cause my be. I am sick of doctor's trying to give me estrogen to regulate my period and zelnorm to regulate my bowel movements.... this is not good enough for me and I won't take those pills. So, I have decided to take matters into my own hands and travel to a holistic center than will use more natural techniques and view me as an entire person as opposed to just a uterus on one day and intestines the next. :) Can anyone SERIOUSLY attest to a holisitc/natural clinic in the US? I am looking for testimonials, first hand experience, and personal recommendations only. THANK YOU!

Best Answer:

Answer by david c
the main thing with a holistic healer is for you to be comfortable with them. One is awesome for one might not work good for you..The body is a powerful thing as are natural cures,, If you feel that one is not doing you any good the power of the mind is not going to help the body...And another thing to remember is a natural cure is a slow process getting the body stabilized or balanced (unlike a med. pill that covers things up to give you a false sense of wellness). The natural cures web site is an alright place to start looking.....

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