Is smugness just a natural stage of veganism, or do they stay smug forever?

Question by Tea on "Veganism":

Once my friend decided to become vegan, she gradually became more difficult to stand. Firstly she joined Peta2 which I won't even go into... Then it was just little things like, in ballet she was playing with someone's shoes and said, "Wait, is this leather? Ew...I touched it!" and made a face like she was going to be sick. When we were watching the movie Happy Feet, there was a part when the lost penguin was stuck out in a storm and needed shelter, and he saw a house with a fire inside and started walking towards it. My friend turned to me and said in a very sad and serious tone, "You know, since I'm a vegan, if that penguin came to my door I would give him shelter, but if a normal person answered the door they would think: 'Food!!'". These are just a few examples. Why must vegans do this? Do they actually think they're converting people to veganism when they act like snobs? All people are thinking when you act so upperclass is, "Wow, if that's how vegans act, I'm glad I'm not one!

Best Answer:

Answer by beebs
Sorry, but I think its very narrow minded of you to judge all vegans based on your experience with one person. Most of us are totally laid back about it, don't concern ourselves with the eating habits of others, and don't preach what we practice. To make a statement like "why do vegans do this" is to generalize all of us. Open your mind, and realize that there are many reasons people become veggies. How would you feel if all vegans said that omnivores are tobacco spitting rednecks named Bubba? Its not fair to judge a whole group based on one persons actions-your friend sounds like a dim twit, and perhaps you might want to widen your circle of people you call friends. Her actions would bore me stiff.

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Veganism for Beginners

Are you interested in going vegan? It's a great way to live healthfully, preserve the planet, and show how much you care for the world around you. This book teaches you what being a vegan means, from what you are allowed to eat to the types of shoes you may want to consider. It includes many great easy recipes to get you started on your new vegan lifestyle.

List Price: $ 7.99 Price: $ 7.99


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