What's the best way to find a local primary care doctor with more of an "alternative medicine" leading?

Question by on "Alternative Medicine":

I've got Blue Cross coverage, and I can't tell from their directory of doctors who would be more likely to have an alternative medicine leaning (in other words, if there's a problem, the first answer isn't just a pharmeseutical one, but might involve nutrition/natural remedies.) Any thoughts of how to find a doctor like this? Thanks!

Best Answer:

Answer by Tavita
Good luck with that! I have been unable to find such a person. Educate yourself. The internet is a great tool and find people to help you with advice. Personally, I have a number of books to refer to in addition to the internet, plus I see a chiropractor reguarly and a massage therapist. I also have different friends who know a lot about food and nutrition and natural remedies and healing. I consider my GP one of many resources when it comes to my health and well being.

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Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Multiple Sclerosis

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