Why has some sort of natural sunlight therapy not been incorporated more in hospitals?

Question by Crazy on "Natural Therapy":

There are so many benefits to natural sunlight exposure (obviously in smaller doses these days). Patients that have to be hospitalized for long period of times tend to suffer from depression, which in turn, affects your entire brain/body chemistry, which then can slower or even reverse the ability of our bodies to heal. I understand that this type of therapy could not be used on EVERYONE, but still, the benefits for patients to experience some sort of natural sunlight could do wonders! The increased seratonin released can increase mood, decrease cortisol levels which decrease will decrease stress levels from the "fight or flight" response and let the body start to repair itself. Hospitals don't even need hi-tech equipment for this! They could just build a top story greenhouse type "sun room" where patients could be taken to for a short period of time each day or a few times a week, depending on their individual treatment, and relax for some well needed exposure to NATURAL light! I know hospitals have dabbled in artificial light therapy but I have a feeling that there is a lot more than just the artificial light needed to "jump-start" and get the chemical juices flowing. The visual stimuli and association of REAL sunlight on a sunny day lays the groundwork for your brain to tell your body to get ready for some "action". Just look at how much moods can change over the winter when sunlight exposure is limited and how a sunny day tends to give people that extra boost to go outside and enjoy the day.

Best Answer:

Answer by dave
You think that hospitals don't have windows?

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