What jobs are available with a degree in Holistic Health?

Question by MelloCello on "Holistic":

I'm interested in getting my AAS degree in Holistic Health, as well as work towards my Bachelors in Holistic Health. What jobs would be available to me after obtaining an Associate Degree in Holistic Health? What about with a Bachelors?

Best Answer:

Answer by Susan Miles
Today is a great time to become a holistic health practitioner because of alternative medicine's wellness boom and the demand for qualified holistic health professionals. Holistic health therapy may combine aspects of massage therapy, nutritional counseling, herbology, reflexology, acupressure, yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and polarity in client treatment—basically any natural health modality that can help the client reach optimal health. Other holistic health practitioners tend to emphasize the bodywork aspect of the profession, while others choose to act more as counselors or teachers.

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