How would a holistic approach to live look to you?

Question by Karas Us on "Holistic":

I notice, many people want to feel loved, be loved... but what about becoming Love itself... how would this happen? just wondering how you see, holistic living, how it is created in us!

Best Answer:

Answer by ~ *Leaping Water* ~
God designed us to be spirit ~ soul and body...all parts work together, all are interdependent. I believe we can work towards healing and betterness..but our physical life will at some point be over on this earth, so body's will never be perfect, but with God's help we can be the best we can be :) as we surrender all parts of us He heals and strengthens and brings more wholeness. Spiritual health, emotional health, physical health, and mental health - we may not see perfection in this life but we will with absolute certainty in the New Jerusalem :) Great question which deserves more attention. I may come back and tweak it a little lol

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