What are the correct etiquette and procedures to use before the Buddhist shrine?

Question by humanperson39 on "Buddhist":

I am a Buddhist Boy Scout working on the Sangha Award.One of the requirements is to : Explain and demonstrate correct etiquette and procedures before the shrine, including gassho, used of meditation beads (juzu), incense burning, etc; and give the symbolic significance of each. I am looking on the internet but I am not finding the answers.

Best Answer:

Answer by OrakTheBold
Have you asked your spiritual advisor at your place of worship?

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The Essence of Buddhism

This book describes the basic principles of Buddhism. Much has been written about Buddhism and how to practice it. Readers will have no difficulty finding hundreds of books on the topic. This book simply focuses on the essence of Buddhism, as expressed in the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Path.

Buddhism is not a religion as such; it does not propose an external God. It does not seek to replace a person's existing religious beliefs, only to supplement them. The Buddha, in all likelihood, would rather his followers describe themselves simply as Followers of The Way.
This book describes the basic principles of Buddhism. Much has been written about Buddhism and how to practice it. Readers will have no difficulty finding hundreds of books on the topic. This book simply focuses on the essence of Buddhism, as expressed in the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Path.

Buddhism is not a religion as such; it does not propose an external God. It does not seek to replace a person's existing religious beliefs, only to supplement them. The Buddha, in all likelihood, would rather his followers describe themselves simply as Followers of The Way.

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