will reduction in stress help in reducing spreading of early white hair, or will this spread uncontrolled?

Question by findthemall_82 on "Stress Reduction":

hi, im 24 and have discovered a bunch of white hair growing in the scalp area above and behind my right ear. i have been involved in alot of stress from years, i belong to the kinda work in which i gota deal with alot of stress. however there is no such history in my family, so im cancelling genetics out. my question is, will reduction in this stress (meaning change in lifestyle work etc) have any affect in the multiplication or can prevent the multiplication of these white hair? i know from my research so far that there is no effective cure.

Best Answer:

Answer by huggz
Stress will not affect the growth rate either way, they are there to stay. I started going grey in my mid 20s and from around 26 I had a silver stripe in my hair. I dyed it for years and then just left it to grow. I love it, its distinctive and I no longer worry about it.

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Guided Meditations for Stress Reduction

Product Description: Mindfulness has been shown in clinical trials to be an effective way of reducing stress. It is a form of focused awareness that helps to prevent the runaway thinking that gives rise to physical and emotional hyper-arousal. The two meditations on this CD help us to develop this transformative quality of mindfulness, by means of which we practice acceptance of our present-moment experience in a non-judgmental way.

Although the meditations on this CD are Buddhist in origin, they can be practiced by people who follow any spiritual tradition or none at all.

List Price: $ 12.95 Price: $ 12.06


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