Can anyone suggest natural therapies for COPD and pseudomonas aeuriginosa of lungs?

Question by Ms AA on "Natural Therapy":

I have early stage COPD and suffered with lung infections for about 30 years. I am 56 y.o. female. 4 years ago diagnosed with pseudomonas aeuriginosa of lungs which is drug resistant.

Best Answer:

Answer by wcanoodle
Have you cleaned out your pan under your refrigerator lately? That can harbor germs and that germ likes refrigerator-like temps... Also be sure to change the furnace filter and buy one of the $ 20 ones at Krogers that eliminates smaller particles and germs. You could also buy an electric air filter with a HEPA filter on it. Do you have diabetes? Controlling the diabetes will help you to overcome infections better. See an endocrinologist for the best diabetes advice on controlling it. People with allergies and lung problems sometimes eliminate rugs from their home, due to the fact that they harbor and collect dust and allergens (dust mites, etc). If not eliminate rugs, at least maybe use a sweeper with a HEPA filter so that the dust doesn't come back out of the sweeper bag into the air. And how is the air where you work? Do you need to change jobs or move to find better air at work and where you live? Lung problems best advice is to go to a pulmonologist (lung specialist). For infections best advice is to go to an infectious disease specialist physician. But sometimes drug resistant infections are hard to get rid of. And COPD is not reversible as far as I know as a nurse. For overall health you could try several things. One is a multiple vitamin with minerals like centrum or similar. Going vegetarian couldn't hurt (animal for food are pumped full of antibiotics due to overcrowded conditions to keep infections down, but may cause some supergerms in meat products). You could also try one of the Green Magma powders mixed in water or juice from the health food store, juicing with a juicer at home, sun chlorella algae or blue green algae pills or powders, and if you have a health food store that makes smoothies with fruit, veggies and wheat grass or barley grass juice, then those are good to drink also. These ideas are not a "cure" for what you have, just some healthy things to do.

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