convincing my mom on veganism?
Question by s2 xo Dana on "Veganism": i want to give up meat and animal products... I'm planning on just giving up meat, chicken and fish and becoming a vegetarian and then easing my way into veganism. I've tried this before and my mom gets really angry with me. How can I convince her to let me continue my eating habits because I really feel strongly about giving up animal products. Best Answer:
Answer by Geomatic7000
If your mom buys and cooks your food, then you don't have too much say. If you begin to buy and prepare your own food, she can't say much at all.
Intentional Living, including: Veganism, Vegetarianism, Freeganism, Moral Community, Cohousing, Sustainable Living, Ex-gay, Intentional Community, Raw Veganism, Frugality, Ethical Living
More info: Intentional living is a term used in a variety of contexts including religious, ethical and values-oriented contexts as well as coaching, personal transformation, and leadership training practices and programs. In this sense, "intentional" is defined as "done with intention or on purpose; intended" and "living" as "a manner or style of life." "Intentional life" is a related term used to describe an objective for personal change.
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