Is there any better stress management software than emWave PC?
Answer by Mary
Yes actually there is one. I'm using Stress Sweeper module from Heart Wizard which you can find on And it is indeed better then emWave PC. It's more like a game - you're trying to get a higher score and move to the next level while learning how to relieve your stress. Why it is better? 1. My personal feeling. I've been used emWave PC for about a year before I found Heart Wizard's Stress Sweeper. 5 minute session in Stress Sweeper helped me more than 20 minute emWave session. Once I found that, I compared these tools for 4-5 more times and I finally stopped using emWave in favor of Heart Wizard's Stress Sweeper. 2. Results validation. I used Stress Monitor before and after session in Heart Wizard's Stress Sweeper and in emWave PC (Stress Monitor was running on another computer to avoid mistakes). 5 minute of Stress Sweeper took 2-3 levels of my stress while 20 minutes in emWave took just 1 level off. I compared that in 5 times in 5 different days. In addition Heart Wizard is cheaper and includes 4 extra modules.
10 Simple Solutions to Stress: How to Tame Tension and Start Enjoying Your Life
Powerful Tools for Dealing with Stress
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This is a fine, fine book by a thoughtful, caring phy! sician-a clearly written, well documented, eminently practical guide to reducing your stress, decreasing your risk of chronic illness, and just plain feeling better.
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